All of our music ministries have been suspended while we observe the Social Distancing ordinance. We are trying to do our part in the community to flatten the curve. We are praying for our Country and the World.
Welcome to the Trinity Presbyterian Music Program. Trinity has a long history of music and many talented musicians. Below is a list of groups you may be interested in joining. Remember, we welcome all who wish to make music!
Trinity Ringers

Handbell image
This is a group of dedicated musicians who meet weekly to prepare hand bell music for worship. They currently perform 4-5 times per year. We have openings for regular ringers as well as substitute ringers. Meetings: Thursdays 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm.
Trinity Chancel Choir
Music is a vital part of any worship service and at Trinity our Chancel Choir provides inspirational music throughout the year. The choir provides support for all music in worship as well as presenting a seasonal anthem each week. Members have various degrees of musical ability but all have a love of singing. Please consider joining us! Meetings: Thursdays 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.